Sanyukta Shrestha

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A pioneer in Sustainable Luxury Women’s Wear and Bridal, Sanyukta Shrestha is a multi-award-winning designer with a cult following of women across the world celebrating the organic, vegan, luxurious, cruelty free handcrafted timeless designs. The Nepalese born British Designer has redefined the luxury market with her innovative sustainable creations while empowering women in developing countries since 1998. Winner of PETA Luxury Vegan Wedding Awards 2021, the London based designer has been recognised by the media as “the dawn of the sustainable movement”, “Green Goddess” and “the Greta of the Wedding World '' and was among the first to introduce sustainability to the bridal industry in 2011. Honoured with several national & international awards for graceful creations and innovative approach of empowering women in developing countries, one of the designer’s bridal creations is preserved in The Fashion Museum, Bath since 2012. 
London College of Fashion gratulate Sanyukta Shrestha’s Zero waste approach, slow and transparent supply chain, minimal carbon footprint, and high-end designs prove her simple philosophy that “fashion should feel, look, and do good”. Every design reflects many hours of meticulous work using the hand-spun and hand weaved sustainable materials that pays tribute to the 1000 years old Nepalese Craftsmanship, creating a luxurious, sustainable, and ethically made “one of a kind” piece, ensuring the protection of the skin and the highly comfortable feel. Her designs have been worn by celebrities like Victoria’s Secret supermodel Candice Swanepoel, American girl band Fifth Harmony, Soprano’s Natalie Coyle and Laura Wright and Amy Nuttall to name a few.   Also seen at ‘The Oscars’, ‘BAFTA’, ‘Cannes’, Sanyukta Shrestha collection from ‘haute couture’ to ‘Ready to Wear’ are available at Online store, London, and Lincolnshire ateliers, while the ‘made to order bridal’ are through selected stockists in the UK.

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Iconic Edit

Iconic - Adaline

Iconic - Robyn


Iconic - Mable

Iconic - Lavina

Iconic - Lapageria

Iconic - Iris

Iconic - Greta

Iconic - Emerald

Iconic - Dorothy

Iconic - Cordellia

Iconic - Delphinium

Iconic - Ceilia

Iconic - Lillian

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